How Does The Robotics Revolution Affect Human Resources Work?

How Does The Robotics Revolution Affect Human Resources Work?

Human resources managers face a range of challenges when the use of robots expands. Typically, these robots are employed in jobs requiring routine manual labor. These jobs tend to affect lower-income, middle-class, and blue-collar workers. In addition, the use of robots is more likely to affect male workers than female workers. In some industries, however, the adoption of robots will be a positive development.

Some researchers estimate that robots could replace about 47% of jobs in the next 17 years. Others predict that by 2025, a third of all jobs will be automated. Most of the jobs being threatened are those that involve routine tasks and little skill. However, some jobs are more protected than others, such as those that require high social intelligence.

As a result of these challenges, HRM must integrate its functions and engage with the R&D department. This will require the creation of new HRM strategies that match the needs of the R&D department. Furthermore, human resource management will have to deal with the transformation of the work environment. This change will radically alter the way humans interact with machines.

Many HR teams are already implementing RPA in their processes. These robots can perform tasks like checking internal data against external databases and carrying out routine report and spreadsheet tasks. This will free up significant amounts of time for HR teams. That time can then be spent conducting personal interviews or training employees.

With the rise of AI and robots, HR departments will have to learn to integrate people and technology in order to increase productivity and profitability. Luckily, HR departments can help bridge this gap by focusing on the right people with the right skills. Meanwhile, organisations can leverage the existing workforce to stay relevant.

coming up artificial intelligence for HRM

This change will affect low-skill workers. Robots will also allow low-skill workers to manage more workers. Robots will also increase the efficiency of operations and standardize work. In addition, robots will not replace high-skill workers. These workers will have to adjust their ways of managing people, and managers must do this in order to keep up with the new workforce.

Researchers have estimated that the introduction of robots will reduce the employment ratio and the employment-to-population ratio. The presence of robots will also reduce wages by 0.25 to 0.5 percent. The effects of robots on wages are more pronounced in sectors where robots are more prevalent, such as low-skilled manual occupations. Nevertheless, economists have cautioned that it is difficult to measure their net effect on the labor market.

While the Robotics Revolution will impact nearly every industry, some industries will be more vulnerable than others. Manufacturing and agricultural roles are most at risk of being automated. Some workers may worry that robots will replace them in these jobs.